Are You Experiencing Dental Pain From Implants? Understanding What is Normal

Dental implants in Apex are an excellent way to restore one or more missing teeth permanently, and restore your smile and your bite. 

But if your implants are hurting after your treatment, you may be worried that something has gone wrong. Is it normal to experience dental pain from implants after treatment at Cardinal Family Dentistry? Find out below.

Pain Is Normal For Up To 1-2 Weeks After Your Implant Surgery

You likely won’t experience any pain immediately after your surgery, since your mouth will be numb. You may also get prescription painkillers from your dentist, which will help with the pain for a few days.

However, pain is completely normal during the implant healing and recovery process. Along with pain, symptoms like bruising, bleeding, and swelling will likely peak within 1-3 days of your implant surgery. Then, over the next week, they will begin to fade.

Most patients are able to recover from the implant placement procedure within 1-2 weeks. You may still feel a little bit of pain or tenderness when you touch the implant area around this time, but you should not be feeling any serious discomfort.

To ensure that your mouth heals properly after you get dental implants at Cardinal Family Dentistry, make sure to follow the instructions provided to you by Dr. Sarah S. Barker. You’ll need to take steps like eating a diet of mostly soft foods, cleaning your implant properly, and avoiding heavy exertion and physical activity for a few days after your treatment.

Is Your Implant Hurting After 2 Weeks? Schedule A Follow-Up With Your Dentist

If you are experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort after 2 weeks, this is not normal. By this time, the implant and the surrounding gum tissue should be mostly healed. Serious, prolonged pain is a sign that something is wrong.

The most common problem is called “peri-implantitis.” This refers to an infection of the gum tissue around the implant. The infection can cause inflammation and discomfort, and if it’s not treated by a dentist in time, it may result in the failure of your implant. 

More rarely, your implant may have failed to bond with your gum and jaw tissue properly. This is also a serious issue, and you may need to have the implant removed. 

These complications are serious, so it’s very important to get help right away if your implant hurts. Getting immediate care will ensure you resolve the issue as soon as possible, and get the best outcome for your case.

Experiencing Dental Implant Pain? Our Team Is Here To Help!

If your dental implant hurts in Apex, Dr. Sarah S. Barker is here to help. As an experienced implant dentist, Dr. Barker can quickly diagnose the issue and provide you with the care you need. Get in touch online or call us at (919) 589-5001 to speak to our dental team, and get the care you need.

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