Is It Safe To See The Dentist During the Coronavirus? How We're Protecting Our Patients And Staff

If you are interested in seeing Dr. Sarah S. Barker for an oral exam and teeth cleaning at Cardinal Family Dentistry, you may be wondering if it’s safe to do so during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. 

At our office, Dr. Barker and the rest of our staff members have made changes to protect your health and safety, and to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission throughout our facility. Wondering how we’re protecting you? Here are a few of the changes we’ve made at Cardinal Family Dentistry.

Disinfection And Sanitization Protocols At Our Office

Cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilizing operating rooms between patients was required by OSHA and CDC protocols even before the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, so we have plenty of experience disinfecting and sanitizing our equipment.

But we’ve still redoubled our efforts, and are ensuring that all surfaces that are commonly touched by staff members and patients are regularly sanitized throughout our office to minimize disease transmissions. 

We’re also making use of dental instrument covers and other such precautions to keep all of our tools and instruments clean between patients. 

Social Distancing And Patient Interview To Maintain Safety

One of the most important things to do to minimize the spread of COVID-19 is to maintain distance between individuals, so we’ve implemented social distancing policies at our office.

When you come to Cardinal Family Health, you’ll remain in your car and call us when you arrive, so that you do not have to wait in our office. Then, a team member will meet you at the door when it’s time to head in, and check your temperature before your appointment.

We also have implemented COVID-19 screening questions to minimize the risk of treating infected individuals. You’ll be contacted before your appointment to answer these questions. If you suspect you may have been infected or are at risk, you’ll be asked to reschedule your appointment for a date that’s at least 14 days in the future. 

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) For Safety 

All of our dental team will be wearing protective equipment including masks and face shields to protect against aerosolized particles that could transmit COVID-19. We will also be using protective rubber dental dams on some patients to isolate teeth during treatments like fillings and dental crown preparation to minimize saliva aerosolization. 

Infection Control Training For Staff

In addition to the above precautions, we’ve instituted new infection control training for our staff members. Based on information from the CDC and WHO, our staff is taking action to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19, and using the latest best practices to reduce cross-contamination and control the spread of all bacteria, viruses, and other micro-organisms. 

Get The Dental Care You Need At Cardinal Family Dentistry 

Even during these uncertain times, Dr. Sarah S. Barker and the team at Cardinal Family Dentistry are fully prepared to serve patients in Apex, Cary, New Hill, and Holly Springs with expert dental care. So don’t wait. Contact us online or give us a call at (919) 589-5001 to schedule your consultation today.

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